G.R.A.S.P Networking!
Every Wednesday at 7:15am | 1055 Forest Hills Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 - at The Village of Heather Hills Join the Meeting on ZoomJoin Our Facebook GroupAbout GRASP
Our mission is to provide a valuable service to our friends, families, clients, and members of our group by providing quality referrals of people and businesses we know and trust. We best accomplish that goal by increasing our membership while learning about our individual members and their businesses, becoming aware of the services our members provide and the customers they seek, matching them to the needs of the people we know, remaining alert to opportunities to make referrals, and following up on the referrals we make. To that end, we restrict new member businesses to those that do not compete with existing member businesses.
Join Us Wednesdays at 7:30 am in-person or via Zoom!
The Village of Heather Hills
1055 Forest Hills Ave. SE
Grand Rapids MI 49546
Zoom Link: https://graspnetworking.com/
Where to Park:
Along Forest Hills Ave:

South Side

North Side

Please park in designated areas north or south of the building. Thank you!
Get in Touch